Posted on 2021-11-18

France - Grenoble Street Art Photo Tour

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This photography tour follows one or other of the Street Art Fest routes, so you not only get to see the best Street Art but you also get to learn great photography tips and tricks. Whether it is about street art or people we meet on the way, it is also an opportunity to learn some Grenoble anecdotes that only a real "local" is able to share. Participants learn to compose, observe and play with light and most importantly, to photograph in the street without being intrusive.

Choose from a walking photo tour in central Grenoble or go further afield to Saint Martin D'Heres on electric scooter or bike.
Tours in both English and French so a chance to improve your conversational language skills too!
Finish in a cafe for a coffee and chat.

What to bring
A camera or smartphone, a comfortable pair of shoes and a helmet for motorised tours.

What you will learn
photography basics, lighting, composition and much more!

Available times:
Tuesday 9.30-11.30H or 14.30H - 16.30H
Friday 18H - 20H (March to October)
Saturday 9.30-11.30H

Max group size 6 people!
The hire of electric scooter (trotinette) or bicycle, is charged separately. You will need to download the TIER or PONY apps and upload your credit card. It is compulsory to wear a helmet and sign a waiver form.

In partnership with Spacejunk!
More details, send me a message!

Type of experience

  • Photo Tour


  • Eastern Europe


  • Experience local culture
  • Perfect urban technique
  • Discover a city
  • Street life


  • 2022
  • 2023
  • Get in touch for availability


  • Two hours

Languages spoken

English, French

What is included

  • Pro photographer

What is not included but recommended for the experience

a camera or smartphone

Five keywords that best describe the experience you will have

street art, walking tour, urban photography, grenoble

Camera equipment used by photographer

canon 5d4 and iPhone 12

Private or group?

  • Private
  • Group

Max group size


Min group size


Non photographer's welcome



  • Lisa
  • Jun 29, 2024
  • This visit with Suzanne was a fantastic way to explore the street art of Grenoble, with the added bonus of learning some key tips about photography. Suzanne's style was very relaxed, friendly and helpful. I would recommend this visit to others without hesitation.

  • Bernard
  • Jun 19, 2024
  • Balade photographique très fructueuse, Suzanne m'a fait mieux connaître Grenoble !
    Je recommande.
    Pour améliorer encore la prestation, ne pas hésiter à donner plus de conseils sur la façon de photographier, en montrant par l'exemple.
    Grand merci, Bernard

  • Sri Nathalie
  • Jun 14, 2024
  • Très bon moment passé à la découverte du street art grenoblois sous les précieux conseils de Suzanne.
    Dommage que les artistes croisés en chemin n'aient pas été plus ouverts à l'échange.

  • Rachel
  • Jun 13, 2024
  • Suzanne et Serge, deux photographes extrêmement disponibles avec de très bons conseils adaptés au niveau de photo de chacun. Cours photo avant les prises de vue enrichissants. Groupe sympa. Week-end très bien organisé. Top

  • Kamila
  • May 26, 2024
  • Nice walk through some classic sights in Grenoble, but also some places where it is more difficult to normally get to like Garage hélicoïdal de Grenoble. Photo walk included visit to a local artist (painter), so there was also possibility to take photos during her creative process.

  • Steffi
  • Nov 19, 2023
  • Bonjour,
    merci pour cette belle promenade. J'ai pu faire des belles photos. Peut-être pas toutes dans le thème.
    Il me semble que 1h30 - 2h ne sont pas assez pour combler 20 mots. Surtout sur un chemin "tracé" (Office du tourisme - Musée - traversé d'Isère - Musée Dauphiné)
    Il y a des mots qui me semble "trop vague" : Gant ... Tram .. vélo.
    Certains mots demandent du temps pour le prendre (Mouvement).
    Dans tout le cas c'était un après-midi très agréable - mais très froid. ?
    Steffi Mann

  • ANNE
  • Nov 19, 2023
  • C'était super ! Encore une belle découverte.
    Merci Suzanne !

  • Pablo
  • Oct 16, 2023
  • It was great! Got very nice feedback, a direction for my photography and met very talanted photographers. 10/10 would recommend!

  • Elsa
  • May 29, 2023
  • A new walk still very pleasant with Suzanne and the discovery of a great place of urbex in which I would never have gone alone

  • Dani
  • May 27, 2023
  • Really nice experience. Third time out with Suzanne and many more to come, for sure :)

  • Anne-Claire
  • May 27, 2023
  • Une journée très agreable: partage et decouverte. Et des conseils techniques donnés par Suzanne avec beaucoup de patience.

  • Régis
  • Apr 11, 2023
  • Avec mes filles, nous avons fait la balade photo dans Grenoble... une sorte de chasse "aux photos et aux oeufs pendant Paques"... Un super moment pour mes filles et une redecouverte finalement de Grenoble pour tous à observer Grenoble d'une façon différente !

  • Béatrice
  • Mar 27, 2023
  • J'ai beaucoup aimé cette balade photographique du street art dans Grenoble. Le groupe était sympathique et constitué de personnes très différentes . Nous avons eu le temps de prendre des photos sous différents angles. Notre guide et photographe Suzanne avait bien préparé ses interventions en anglais et en français... Le goûter qui finissait cette grande balade nous a permis encore des échanges avec d'autres personnes du groupe... En bref, une très belle après-midi!! Merci Suzanne

  • Dani
  • Mar 26, 2023
  • Fun activity! Good way to learn a bit more about the city

  • Angela
  • Mar 1, 2023
  • Excellent tour. Great to go with family or alone! Opened my eyes to new ways of observing those things we often miss. Highly recommend.

  • Kamila
  • Feb 26, 2023
  • Interesting walk to the cemetery of Grenoble with some lesser-known history tidbits about the dead buried there. I would recommend

  • Claude
  • Jan 8, 2023
  • Bonjour Suzanne,
    Merci encore pour la balade du samedi 07 janvier 2023 dans Grenoble. C'était super.
    J'ai bien apprécié vos explications et les autres participants étaient très sympa.
    A très bientôt dans votre galerie ou à une autre balade.

  • Nathalie
  • Jan 7, 2023
  • Nice photo walk today in Grenoble with Suzanne Porter !!!

  • AL
  • Nov 28, 2022
  • I really enjoyed this moment with many passionate people ! I also loved the fact that we can meet people from different countries ! At the same time I re-discovered the city through another angle, thank you Susan !

  • Cathy
  • Oct 14, 2019
  • SP and her team at clik-trip photo provide an excellent photo experience. SP lived in Marrakech for several years and knows the city inside & out. She takes you to all the back ally ways/ beautiful archways/ provides great feedback and helps w/your photography ensuring you get the photos you want. SP is friendly & very professional. Well worth the price to see and photograph Marrakech with someone who really knows what she is doing. Highly recommend SP or anyone that works with her.

  • Kathryn
  • Jul 31, 2019
  • A highlight of my journey throughout Morocco were the two days I spent with SP in Marrakesh. She is a gifted photographer, an inspirational instructor, and an incredibly knowledgable tour guide. I was even sent back to my hotel with a homework assignment. In addition to guiding me on the roads less traveled by tourists, she also introduced me to many locals who were more then happy to have their portraits taken. We spent quite some time standing at one of the entrances into the medina where I was able to photograph a variety of Moroccans from different walks of life as they entered or exited the city. We also spent time in a tannery capturing the scene as well as the different workmen. As we wondered through the medina and souk we often had to fight our way around the donkeys, carts, motorbikes and vehicles. One must keep one’s eyes wide open not only to capture all the special moments, but to live to tell about it. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with SP and hope to meet up with her in another part of the world.

  • Marie-Françoise
  • I really enjoyed the afternoon.
    I discovered the street art. I did’nt know how Grenoble was so rich with these paintings.
    Suzan with her kindless and her professional approach was a great guide.
    And the little « goûter » was a very nice moment.
    Thanks Suzan for this very pleasant afternoon.


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