Posted on 2020-01-06

Morocco - Fez 2 day , 3 nights Photo Workshop

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  •  Fes
  • €900.00  / person per experience
  • Contact FV


Welcome to my Fez Photo Tour. During two days we will walk together through the streets of old town of Fez, or Medina, who is recognise by the UNESCO as a World Heritage Site as one of the best preserved historic towns of the Arab-Muslim world. Today, it is one of the most authentic cities in Morocco, known around the world as a center for traditional artists and artisans. So is a prefect city to visit a photographer.

During the Fez photo tour we will able to take portrait of locals and visit some tradition places like: Place R’cif, the area of the Andalusian Mosque, the Place Seffarine, the fameus Chouara Tanney, the Bou Inania Madrasa, the Cherratine Medersa, the Golden Gates of the Royal Palace, the jews quart, around the Semmarin Gate and the daily market at the Bab Chorfa.

The Fez photo tour is ideal for beginners, intermediate and professional Photographers.
If you are a beginner in photography, you will learn the basics of Exposure, using your camera in “manual mode” with Iso, shutter speed and aperture.

If you are a professional or have already experience in street photography, you already know how challenging it can be to approach people and photograph them, especially in a culture as conservative as Morocco. Although Moroccans in general are very loving people, they are not very comfortable with cameras. So during the Fez photo tour you will get to know a way to approach them.

- The best way to photograph people in an Arabic context.
- Photography basics (if needed, for beginners).
- Street photography tips, tricks, and techniques.
- Some tricks to approach and capture close-up street portraits.
- Camera settings and zone focusing techniques.
- Capturing gesture, expression, and emotion and telling stories with your images.
- And, of course, what we will learn will be tailored to your skill level, what you want to see, and what you want to learn!

Tuition: €900 (Hotel and meals are NOT included)

Maximum group size? 4 people.

This workshop lasts 2 days and 3 nights. For those who prefer the option with hotel and meals included, the hotel where we will be staying is "Dar Victoria", located near the "Bab Rcif". If the hotel is booked up we will be staying in another similar hotel.

When? Any time of the year.

Languages spoken? English, French, Spanish & Portuguese.

1st night | The first night we will meet at 7pm at the Dar Victoria hotel (or at the hotel where you have chosen to stay) in order to talk for an hour about the program of our tour, cultural things NOT to do when we are photographing local people, and finally we are going to talk about
• EXPOSITION using manual mode on Street photography. (optional, depends on people skill)
• WHAT to look for when shooting on the streets?
• COMPOSITION on street photography #1

1st day | At 8.30am we will leave to immerse ourselves in the streets of the medina of Fez to photograph local craftsmen. As we walk we will discover interesting places of shadows and lights where we will stop and "wait" to be able to photograph local people going about their normal life (one of the important things in street photography is to know how to "wait" for the right people to come into our frame). In the afternoon we will visit the famous Tannery of Fez. Then, after dinner we will have another session including:
• COMPOSITION on street photography #2
• PORTRAITS, how to approach people in Fez to take portraits of them.
Diner at 8pm at Cafe Clock.

2nd day | In the morning we will do some street portraits were we will putting in practice some of the ideas we talked about the previous session. We will visit the jewish quarter and the gates of the royal palace. In the evening, after diner we will have time to review some of the pictures.

If you have any question regarding my Fez photography workshop, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Type of experience

  • Photo Workshop


  • North Africa and Middle East


  • Experience local culture
  • Perfect urban technique
  • Approach people
  • Discover a city
  • Street life
  • After dark


  • Two days

Duration (other)

2 days, 3 nights

Languages spoken

English, French, Spanish and Portuguese

What is included

  • Pro photographer
  • Tour leader expenses
  • Personal critique/review

What is not included but recommended for the experience

A small tripod if it is possible.

Five keywords that best describe the experience you will have

street photography, Fez, Morocco, portrait,

Camera equipment used by photographer

Fujifilm X-pro2

Private or group?

  • Group

Max group size


Min group size


Non photographer's welcome



  • Margaret
  • May 13, 2021
  • Unfortunately I missed the first half so hope to catch up when you release the video. I was very impressed with the part that I did see.

  • Anne
  • May 13, 2021
  • A wonderful presentation with beautiful images. When we are allowed to travel again I would love to return to Morocco and join FV.

  • Al
  • May 13, 2021
  • Lukas
  • Oct 7, 2019
  • I can highly recommend the photo trip with FV. He is a great photographer and knows the medina of Marrakech very well. My goal was to make portraits of people - and it worked. I couldn't have taken those pictures without FV. He was an incredible help and was able to connect to so many people. Anytime again, thank you FV!


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