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Listing summary

  • My Lockdown Days Photography Lectures
  • €150.00  / 120 mins
  • Europe


  • A Photographer's Journey
  • Visual Storytelling


  • Two hours

Duration (other)

90 mins plus 30 mins Q&A


  • 3 x 30 mins plus Q&A

Languages spoken

English, Italian, Spanish, Austrian

Time Zone

Central European Time (GMT +2)



Delivered by

  • Zoom

Max group size



3 photographers
3 countries
3 experiences

Three photographers in three different European countries Spain (Tenerife), Italy and Austria, document life during lockdown. Hear the diverse accounts of how they got permission and created these stunning documentations and the effects of COVID-19 on the place they call home.

Florence-born, Edoardo was commissioned by the Florence Municipality to document his hometown during lockdown. This unique access made for some haunting images and stories from the first European country most affected by COVID-19. Edoardo is a seasoned speaker in Italy, Spain and the UK. In 2019 he joined the team of National Geographic Expeditions photographers and over the past 10 years he has received numerous awards including first prize in the Black and White Spider Awards, winner of the National Geographic Contest and first place in Photojournalism category at International Color Awards. Join Edoardo as he talks about the making of his images and how the unique access he was granted contributed to this important photojournalistic record and his powerful storytelling.

Harald grew up with his grandmother - his mother had chosen a life in the circus. This time shaped his ability to access and become aware of both "the big picture" and his own position in it. In March 2020, the Covid-19 threat reached Austria. Exit restrictions were imposed on the residents. Shops, restaurants, cinemas and theatres were closed and all events were cancelled. Drawn to the emptiness in a normally busy Vienna, Harald ventured out to document his home town in photographs and video.

When Phil first found photography, he found a way to creatively express himself through visual ways. He also realised very quickly that photography is a medium which would never bore him with always something new to learn or a new subject to explore. He looks at the world with an enquiring eye, to see things beyond the surface. Hear Phil's personal account and see his fascinating documentation of Costa Adeje, an area normally buzzing with tourists, yet with eerily empty beaches during COVID-19 lockdown.

They will finish with the current situation in their countries including photographs of the de-escalation phases. Each photographer will present for approx 30 minutes followed by time for Q&A.